Mallipo Beach (만리포해수욕장)

Register : 2009-09-10 22:25 Update : 2024-03-15 11:35
View : 75

Mallipo Beach (만리포해수욕장)

Mallipo Beach, located in Taean, is a C-shaped, flat sandy beach with shallow waters, making it ideal for swimming and various water sports during the summer. Adjacent to the beach, a pine forest provides a perfect spot for camping. Numerous nearby shops offer accommodations and fresh seafood. Additionally, the observatory offers spectacular views of the West Sea and its stunning sunsets.

Introduction Information
Experience Guide
Not available  
Opening Hours
Open 24 hr  
N/A (Open all year round)  
Admission Fees
Available Facilities
Observatory, campground, accommodations
Chungcheongnam-do Taean-gun Weather Rating
2025-01-22 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities
2025-01-23 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities
2025-01-24 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities
2025-01-25 Fair
Caution advised
2025-01-26 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities
2025-01-27 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities
2025-01-28 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities