House of Refuge (하우스오브레퓨즈)

Register : 2024-05-24 15:23 Update : 2024-07-24 13:31
View : 172

House of Refuge (하우스오브레퓨즈)

House of Refuge is a large culture complex featuring a cafe and artwork together. The menu includes unique items using local products, such as Jeju banana pudding, and Jeju Nouveau non-alcoholic beer. The space is the perfect setting for exhibitions, parties, performances, and other events.

Introduction Information
Opening Hours
N/A (Open all year round)  
Admission Fees
Adults 18,000 won / Children 15,000 won
Jeju-do Jeju-si Weather Rating
2025-02-11 Fair
Caution advised
2025-02-12 Fair
Caution advised
2025-02-13 Fair
Caution advised
2025-02-14 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities
2025-02-15 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities
2025-02-16 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities
2025-02-17 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities