Dotoreum Parasitic Cone (돛오름(돝오름))

Register : 2023-12-07 13:26 Update : 2023-12-22 13:32
View : 107

Dotoreum Parasitic Cone (돛오름(돝오름))

This oreum, or parasitic cone, is located southwest of Bijarim Forest. Its name “Dot” comes from the Jeju dialect for pig, as the shape of the peak is said to resemble a pig. Dotoreum Parasitic Cone is home to a wide variety of trees and plants, but among them, it is most well-known for its bija trees. However, paths in this parasitic cone tend to be rather narrow and rugged, so one must prepare accordingly in order to climb the hill without much trouble. Visitors are advised to prepare comfortable shoes and water at the very least.

Introduction Information
N/A (Open all year round)  
Available (roadside parking or Gujwa-eup Free Parking Lot)  
+82-64-740-6000 (Jeju Tourist Information Center)  
Admission Fees
Jeju-do Jeju-si Weather Rating
2025-02-11 Fair
Caution advised
2025-02-12 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities
2025-02-13 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities
2025-02-14 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities
2025-02-15 Poor
Not recommended for outdoor activities
2025-02-16 Fair
Caution advised
2025-02-17 Fair
Caution advised