Mureunggyegok Valley Healing Campground (무릉계곡 힐링캠핑장)
This campground is situated in Mureunggyegok Valley, nestled between Dutasan Mountain and Cheongoksan Mountain. The valley is renowned for its enigmatic rock formations and derives its name from the mythical paradise in the Chinese fable, “The Peach Blossom Land”. It's a place where one can immerse in the beauty of nature. The campground is accessible by car, just a 25-minute drive from KTX Mukho Station.
Introduction Information
- Business Hours
- Check in 14:00 / Check out 12:00 (next day)
- Holiday
- Winter (December-February)
- Admission Fee
- 28,000-35,000 won
- Parking
- available
- Inquiry/Information
- +82-33-539-3700~1
- Program Activities
- Not available
Gangwon-do Donghae-si Weather Rating
- 2025-01-22 Fair
- Caution advised
- 2025-01-23 Fair
- Caution advised
- 2025-01-24 Fair
- Caution advised
- 2025-01-25 Poor
- Not recommended for outdoor activities
- 2025-01-26 Poor
- Not recommended for outdoor activities
- 2025-01-27 Poor
- Not recommended for outdoor activities
- 2025-01-28 Poor
- Not recommended for outdoor activities
- Initial Registration Date
- 2024-02-05 18:19
- Last Updated
- 2024-03-19 09:47
- Homepage
- Address
- [25746] 467 Samhwa-ro, Donghae-si, Gangwon-do
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